Sunday, December 24, 2006

Dad's Christmas Poem

Granny is a happy soul
She comes from overseas,
And every time we visit her
She's always very pleased.

She likes to visit our new home
And keep up with the news.
She likes to visit the top floor
And look at all the views.

A present for this one, it's said
A problem she doth poses
What better than a wee box
Of Cadbury's lovely Roses.

Nana lives with Grandad
Together it's no fuss.
They often go out walking,
They seldom take the bus.

They drive out to the country
And they travel and they roam,
To keep an eye on progress
At Beulah, our new home.

Their garden's always looking good
Nana's always doing chores
We thought our gift would help you bring
Your garden back indoors.

With Grandad though he'll have to wait
Until it's dark indeed.
For that's the best and only way
To watch his DVD.

Andy's been in Auckland
For several months of study,
But now he's home with his wee friend
His soulmate and his buddy.

These two make a cute wee pair
We're glad she's come to stay
It's nice to have her here with us
At good old Auchinblae.

Our present to you this year Horse
It wasn't hard to buy
Especially when you said to Sydney
At Christmas you would fly.

Take care of one another
And travel in good cheer
And give our best to Grace and Alex
As you sup that Aussie beer.

Karina comes from the US
She comes from Denmark too.
But on our way to church today
She went and lost a shoe!

Andy was in charge of both
He put them on the car,
But like a Muppet he left them there
And phoned for help... his Da.

"Please see if you can find it,
On your way to town",
I thought, "You must be joking"
My goodness what a clown!

Your song we heard in church today
Was strong and it was true
You must not waste that lovely voice
That God has given to you.

So to help your vocal cords my dear
With this we did not grapple
Some tea we thought, what better find,
Than good old Kiwi crapple!

Smee my boy, you are a one
You've had a real good year
A'studying in Dunedin town
And tasting student beer.

You came home for a visit
For to share the winter nip,
But much to your annoyance
'Twas spent mostly on a drip!

You got through all your study though
And you passed that final test
Next year you'll go out flatting
With your buddies, good and best.

So to help you with your flat set up
Do not call us rash
We thought we could do worser
Than to hand you over cash!

Lynn my sweet it falls to you
A present I've not bought
We've built a house, had lots of stress
But still we have not fought.

The boys have grow'd, they're getting older
I guess they'll need us less
But with this awesome home I bet
We'll see them back I guess.

For cards and food and fun and games
They know we're always here
This is despite the fact
We never have much beer.

So happy Christmas to you my sweet
This year it's been a struggle
Can't wait until the lights go out
So we can have a cuddle!

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